Engineering Services

Engineering Services

A one-stop solution for erection of HVAC systems and industrial sheds including PEBs/PUF panel sheds and for designing and installation of Solar systems and Security systems

We offer our services in 

( i ) The designing and erection of centralized air conditioning (A/C) systems

( ii ) Solar panel installation for all types of houses, industries, buildings, corporate offices, etc.

( iii ) Installation of Security systems (CCTV) for all types of houses, industries, buildings, corporate offices, etc.

HVAC service

We are specialized in erection of HVAC systems for all types of buildings. We offer our services in the erection of all types of chillers, compressors, AHUs, pipeline systems, and ducting systems. We provide exceptional service from the very beginning to the very end.

Solar panel installation

We provide world-class, Engineering, Procurement, and Development answers for Solar-based energy systems and help clients invest funds in their energy costs. Our experienced team will carry out projects by coordinating with required persons based on the Industry guidelines.

CCTV installation

Are you searching for the best CCTV Cameras installation for your home or office? We install high-quality cameras to cover each edge according to your needs. We do have expertise in providing services according to customers necessities.